The City of Hobart is planning to improve the intersection of 61st Avenue and Marcella Boulevard with the construction of a two-lane roundabout. The need for the project is due to congestion and the high rate of accidents at the intersection. The purpose of the project is to improve the Level of Service during peak hours, while also reducing the severity of vehicular crashes at the intersection of 61st Avenue and Marcella Boulevard. The roundabout will have an overall diameter of 200 feet. The lanes approaching the roundabout will be 12-feet-wide and will vary between 12 feet and 17 feet entering and through the roundabout. The roadway will be bordered on the outside by a curb and gutter. Splitter islands will be located on all approaches of the roundabout. A mountable curb and 10-foot-wide truck apron will be installed inside of the roundabout. Sidewalk is proposed on the southern and eastern legs. New street lighting will be installed within the project limits. The center of the roundabout will include landscape and hardscape upgrades.