Project Information

The project involves the conversion of the existing signalized intersection into a single lane roundabout with right-turn bypass lane for southbound traffic on SR 130 turning onto SR 51. The roundabout lanes will be 17 ft. wide, with 15-ft truck aprons between the travel lanes and the center island. In conjunction with the roundabout installation, 10-ft wide sidewalks will be constructed adjacent to the roundabout for pedestrian traffic. The sidewalks will run from the Oak Savannah trail terminus in the southwestern quadrant of the project area around the southern and eastern legs of the roundabout and will terminate at a conjunction with the trailhead portion of the Oak Savannah Trail in the northeast quadrant. Crossing areas will be established within the southern and eastern approaches for the new sidewalk, and at the western approach to tie the existing sidewalk into the newly constructed portions. Pedestrian islands will be installed at the crossing areas to give pedestrians the ability to safely cross one lane at a time.

In order to accommodate stormwater drainage within the proposed project limits, the existing storm sewer network will be improved. The existing 24” storm sewer pipe will be replaced in a configuration that diverts water around the proposed roundabout. In addition, a new segment of pipe will be installed parallel to SR 51 along its west side, heading north from the intersection. This pipe will outlet into a low-lying area south of the southern bank of Frog Creek, and riprap will be An Equal Opportunity Employer installed at the end of the pipe. The other ends of the improved storm sewer facilities will be connected into the City of Hobart’s existing facilities.

Project Team
Construction Phasing